A 3-step guide on how to make the most of your university experience

A blog post by Eleanor Potter, BA Drama with Honours

There are quite a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the past three years to make university life a bit easier… getting a bike so you can wake up 15 minutes before a lecture and power it into uni, learning how to make the perfect cheese toastie after a night out to save on drunken takeaways, or even making friends with the Student Union staff so you get free food! However, when reflecting on my time at university and all the things I’m glad that I’ve done- I came up with a three part ‘Essential Tool Kit’ for making the most of your university experience.

1.     Taking opportunities

On our first day in the Drama department, each member of staff was asked to give a piece of advice to all of the slightly nervous, and very hungover first years. All were very heartfelt, but one that really stuck with me was Johannes’ advice to ‘fall in love with everything’. Whilst that may have seemed strange at the time, what I have now come to understand from it, is that there is a world of beautiful opportunities that will spark your interest, make you gain new passions, and to an effect- make you fall in love. The societies are buzzing with things to get involved with, whatever your interests or experience may be. My dear friend Mary Sharples started Canoe Society in first year (having never been in a canoe team before) and it changed the course of her university experience. The friends you make and the stories you have to tell after every show, social or event will honestly stay with you forever. Also, now is the PERFECT time to try things that may fail! University is your playground. I tried my hand at some directing (for the first time ever) and on the opening night of our play, all of the tech broke and the poor actors were left delivering their lines whilst a strobe light continuously flashed throughout most of the performance! Whilst, slightly mortifying and a bit of a hectic experience, I learned so many things about how to manage a situation that is getting out of hand. So, get out there and explore what the university has to offer, because there will always be something for you. 

2.     Explore Manchester 

This point was inspired by David Butler’s induction week treasure hunt, where you are sent off to explore the city. Whilst an 18-year-old Eleanor who had arrived late to this induction session, was then whisked away on a bus down Oxford Road may have been slightly puzzled, in that moment it began to click that I was in the vibrant city of Manchester! Manchester is quite literally overflowing with history, music, restaurants, bars, clubs, museums, galleries and libraries. Even towards the end of my final year, I was still exploring the city. One recommendation would be to do a walking tour with ‘Invisible Cities Manchester’, as they visit some of Manchester’s important landmarks and also explore some social projects that are happening throughout the city too. All I can say is don’t stop exploring, even if a pandemic tries to stop you! 

3.     Setting boundaries and getting support 

Whilst there are many exciting and incredible opportunities that you should 100% get involved with- there’s one thing that I definitely learned the hard way at university. Learning where to set your boundaries and get support. In first and second year, it’s easy to get carried away and say yes to absolutely everything- because it’s all so exciting! But I’ve found that you can… sometimes… overdo it. It’s all about learning what your limits are and if you need a time out, take a break! Sometimes the best nights come in the form of you and your house mates, an Aldi pizza and a Gavin and Stacey box set. 

Although I’ve gone through some potential ‘dos and don’ts’ here, there truly is no right or wrong way to go about university. My time at Manchester has brought me some of the most wonderful friends and has given me memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Therefore, all I can really say is make the most of it, don’t be scared, and go and get yourself a free falafel and pitta bread from the Student Union ASAP!!!

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